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Nice gift to start home automation systems, for students and people with some skills.
Plug & Play KIT using Rock PI S mini computer with metal case, already equipped with high quality 32GB memory card, Debian Linux, Domoticz, firewall, backup, a RS485 to USB adapter and a DomBusTH domotic module.
Email: store@creasol.it - Telegram: CreasolTech - Whatsapp: +393283730010
Priority mail: fast and cheap - Express Courier: fast and safe
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Ready to use KIT for home automation system that includes Rock PI S single-board computer ARM 64bit, metal enclosure, high-endurance 32GB memory card within Debian Linux, Domoticz, firewall and backup system.
It also includes a USB to RS485 adapter, a DomBusTH module within temperature and humidity sensors, red green and white LEDs, 4 inputs and 2 outputs, and power supply (12Vdc for DomBus modules and 5Vdc for the single-board computer).
The idea is to supply a simple KIT, plug and play, that permits to build a domotic system easily.
As Domoticz software is reliable, powerful and cost effective, this is the best Christmas, Birthday and school gift to introduce students and people with some electric/electronic skills to home automation systems: it's possible to add our DomBus modules, as like as Zigbee, Zwave, WiFi and other domotic modules to build even large sensors and I/O network for your house.
We also have other KITs that already includes modules to read temperature and humidity, read electricity parameters (house power/energy consumption and production, ...), inputs and outputs.
When connected to the power supply and LAN, it's possible to connect to its IP address (automatically assigned by the DHCP service) through:
Rock PI S is a smaller and cheaper alternative for the (often not available) Raspberry PI 4 single board computer, with less RAM but with a compact form factor and very low power consumption, ideal solution for optimized software like Domoticz (written in C++).
It should be supplied by:
The microSD already includes Domoticz home automation system: this is a free open source software written in C++, that works perfectly even in this small hardware.
Domoticz permits to manage serveral different type of hardwards, like ZigBee, ZWave, and many other wireless and wired protocols. Also, Creasol DomBus protocol is supported, so it's possible to connect through a RS485-USB adapter, many modules (for analog/digital inputs, analog/digital outputs, relay outputs, sensors, LEDs, lights management, EVSE to manage electric vehicle charging, ...).
Using Domoticz and DomBus modules it's possible to:
Many hardware plugins can be installed and updated automatically. Also, many scripting languages are available to create simple and complex automations, like Lua and Python. Very simple automations can be created using a graphical language, named Blocky.
RK3308 have two IO voltages, 1.8V/3.3V. For ROCK Pi S, the voltage level of GPIOs showed in the tables above are 3.3V and tolerance of those are 3.63V.
Rockchip RK3308 GPIO has 5 banks, GPIO0 to GPIO4, each bank has 32pins, naming as below:
GPIO0_A0 ~ A7 GPIO0_B0 ~ B7 GPIO0_C0 ~ C7 GPIO0_D0 ~ D7 GPIO1_A0 ~ A7 .... GPIO1_D0 ~ D7
For Rockchip 4.4 kernel, the GPIO number can be calculated as below, take GPIO4_D3(PIN8 on 26PIN GPIO) as an example:
GPIO4_D3 = 32*4 + 8*3 + 3 = 155
To set GPIO4_D3 output
cd /sys/class/gpio echo 155 > export cd gpio155 echo out > direction echo 1 > value # output high echo 0 > value # output low