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Minimal KIT to start home automation system that measure power/energy consumption/production, display charts, control connected devices like air conditioning systems.
Email: store@creasol.it - Telegram: CreasolTech - Whatsapp: +393283730010
Priority mail: fast and cheap - Express Courier: fast and safe
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This minimal KIT permits to start controlling power consumption / production.
It's meant for those how have not an home automation system yet, but want to start it in the simplest way as possible.
A mini-computer with very low power consumption is provided, already equipped with the nedded software, installed and configured.
Connect power supply and energy meter, then connect to the system from your web browser, or (replace with the IP address assigned by your router).
For those who have a computer knowledge, it's quite easy to create automations that turn ON connected air conditioners when enough power is available, and stop it when there is no available power. Please verify, by a web search, that your air conditioners are supported by Domoticz.
This kit can be enhanced by domotic modules, for example to control temperature / humidity, control loads (heaters, dehumifiers, lights, ...): the single board computer is fast enough to manage one hundreds of devices.
Software already includes several automations: